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As of this date, I have personally known and worked with Mark Morrison since 1996. The purpose of this letter is to recommend Mark Morrison as a highly skilled and successful Attorney. Because Mark was my Attorney in a Personal Injury auto accident case, we were the prevailing party and the settlement amount was more than I ever expected to receive. Mark is not just an Attorney; he is one of the hardest working, most honest and compassionate human beings I have ever known. He will not take on your case just for the ‘money’, but he will only take on a case if it has merit, honesty and if Justice is not being met. I cannot imagine being involved in any type of legal matter without Mark’s knowledge of the situation and his advice/representation. Mark is a family man dedicated to humanity, and a healthy life. Without Mark’s total dedication and compassion during my case, I would not have succeeded in winning the settlement I received. With great respect for Mark’s hard work and his track record for success, I am a believer in our legal system now. Please consider Mark Morrison when you are facing a legal dilemma, and you will sleep better knowing that he is representing you and your case.
— Michael Stefanyshyn

Mark Morrison has been known to us for the last ten years. First, we met through mutual acquaintances in Newport Beach. Several years later, we had the misfortune of a having a major lawsuit file against us regarding two failed Partnerships. Mark advised us as a Real Estate Attorney and friend to be open to arbitration on the matter. The plaintiff was unreasonable, thus a court trial was necessary. Mark did an outstanding job in court, as he was well prepared, and ultimately won the case. My wife Pat and I have had several other legal business matters that Mark handled equally as well. He is most unusual, as he possesses the highest amount of integrity as well as ability. Finding an attorney with such qualities is very hard to find. We would and have recommended, without any reservations, his services as he is an outstanding attorney.
— Bruce and Pat Greene, Greene & Company